The Romanian Police undertakes extensive steps to improve the institutional capacity to prevent, discover and investigate antisocial acts with a discriminatory motive. An important part of the institutional efforts to ensure these objectives is carried out within the project "Integrated action for combating hate crimes, particularly against Roma communities, and ensuring a high quality standard of police service - PDP 3".
The project is financed through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2014-2021, and the main achievements were presented during a conference held on April 2, 2024 in the city of Constanța.
Because hate crimes and hate speech are multidimensional phenomena, which can be addressed through specific legal and social science tools, during this period, 200 police officers are participating in academic training courses in the field of preventing and combating this type of crime. Police officers in operative structures will develop new skills to identify and address cases that concern the Roma community or other vulnerable groups.
The academic training sessions are developed on the basis of a partnership agreement concluded by the Romanian Police with the Institute for the Research of the Quality of Life in Romania – the Romanian Academy.
A special interest was given to the development of the investigative capacities of both the central structure specialized in the investigation of crimes motivated by hate or prejudice, as well as of police officers with similar duties, at the level of counties or police units in the city of Bucharest.
Oslo Police District, the project partner, was instrumental in providing support and expertise in investigating hate crimes and engaging with communities, but also in creating cross-border partnership links.
Workshops, training sessions and best practice exchanges aimed to improve, adapt and update knowledge for a diverse audience of practitioners. For this reason, study visits were also made to Norway, Great Britain, Spain, Greece and Italy, to the headquarters of law enforcement agencies with experience in combating hate crimes.
Beyond the transfer of expertise, but also the improvement of technical capabilities, a non-governmental organization, selected as a partner in the project, ran campaigns to raise awareness of the risk of victimization in vulnerable communities.
For an overview of the hate crime phenomenon in Romania, at the level of the Romanian Police, the statistical data collection system was updated, so that there is a correlation of information with other public authorities.
At the same time, the Romanian Police will also carry out a national information campaign to combat hate crime/hate speech.
In order to produce long-term changes, a specialized course (hate crime curriculum) will be included in the training programs of the "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" Police Academy. Both in the higher education institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and in the post-secondary schools for the training of police officers, special laboratories, equipped with the necessary equipment (communication and IT) for the study of hate crimes, were established.
The activities within the project with non-reimbursable funds also provided for the realization of two studies to identify the attitude and experiences of Roma communities in relation to victimization following hate crimes. The studies also probed expectations regarding the relationship between the community and the police.
The integrated actions aim at the same goal, namely ensuring a high quality standard of the police service. The project realized through Norwegian grants will end in April 2024. Of the total eligible value of 2,823,529 euros, 85% represents the value of the grant, and 15% public co-financing.
– PDP3–
"Integrated action for combating hate crimes, particularly against Roma communities, and ensuring a high quality standard of police service - PDP 3"
Working together for an inclusive Europe
Project funded through Norway Grants 2014-2021