24 September 2014

Personal Data Protection Unit



The right to the protection of personal data as a fundamental right in the European space, guaranteed by Article 8 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, a legal instrument that became mandatory with the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, is one of the basic pillars of contemporary society in the context of the digital age and the globalization of the information circuit.

Becoming a full member of the European Union, Romania has entered a stage that involves the preparation and adoption of the necessary measures for joining  Schengen area.  The contribution of the The General Inspectorate of the Romanian Policeto the national effort in order to join the Schengen area and to align Romania to the European and International standards in the reference field, implies raising awareness of the importance and implications of this phenomenon at the level of its entire staff.

In order to ensure the level of training in the field of personal data protection, starting with 01.09.2010 functions the Personal Data Protection Compartment, a unit directly subordinated to the General Inspector of the Romanian Police.

The establishment of this structure was followed by the appointment of data protection officers within all territorial structures subordinated to the The General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police. Thus, important steps were taken in terms of establishing a unitary way of working on the way of drawing up the documentation related to notifications and last but not least, in terms of ensuring/fulfilling the minimum requirements for the security of the processed data.

From the point of view of human resources, the Romanian Police enjoys a well-trained network and team of specialists, both from a legal and technical point of view, able to adapt to the new regulations and developments in the field of reference.

The role and purpose of the compartment is reflected through a series of specific activities, namely:

- guides and advises the data controllers within the The General Inspectorate of the Romanian Policein order for the processing of personal data to be carried out in accordance with the legislation in force;

- prepares and examines, in terms of legality and legal efficiency, the documentation underlying the decisions of the unit's management and provides legal assistance to the management in issues in the field of personal data protection;

- participates in the elaboration of draft orders, instructions, regulations, provisions and analyses;

- draws up views on certain high-level regulatory acts, orders, instructions, regulations or provisions;

- follows the way of applying the legal norms in the field and makes proposals for their improvement

- participates in the working groups, meetings, seminars and courses organized at the level of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with implications in the field of work, as a representative of the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police. 

For information regarding processing of personal data by General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police click here.


Chief Commissioner of Police CARMEN FRANDEȘ - department coordinator

Headquarters of the Personal Data Protection Department: Bucharest, 13-15 Stefan cel Mare Road, district 2